Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™


Sonoma Humane's Pet Adoption & Wellness Event

Here's a few shots from Sonoma Humane's event. Lots of the area shelters were there with dogs, cats, guinea pigs, bunnies and more all ready and willing to be adopted and loved.

Next event: Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society's Bay to Barkers next weekend. Should be fun! It's our first time as vendors here, looking forward to the cool bay breeze. Penny is stoked 'cause she gets to come to this one.
We're excited to meet our twitter friends Sirius Republic and Dogopolis, among others.
Be there if you can!


We're ready for healthcare reform

We stand with the president and support his three principles on healthcare reform.
  • Reduce costs — Rising health care costs are crushing the budgets of governments, businesses, individuals, and families, and they must be brought under control
  • Guarantee choice — Every American must have the freedom to choose their plan and doctor – including the choice of a public insurance option
  • Ensure quality care for all — All Americans must have quality and affordable health care


Yapstar "coolpick award"

WooHoo, our glorious eight inch iced bones were chosen as Yapstar's "cool pick" product! Thanks Yapstar, we really dig you.


our first photo contest

Our crazy digging dog has inspired us to host an Action Photo Contest. 
We want movement! 
Send us your best shot [the dog please] for a chance to win a 4 month treat club membership.
We'll pick a winner next month. Email us your photo with  "ACTION DOG"  in the subject line. Include your dog's name too.
We want all types of action; it doesn't need to be just for the rugged hounds. The pocket pups are frisky too. 
Enter by visiting our website's "contact us" page.


Shovel Ready Project

A while back we set out to clean up and put in a little veggy patch. With Penny's help, we turned the soil quite nicely. Penny is flat-out obsessed with the shovel. Ever since she was a wee pup she goes hog wild at the mere touch of the spade. Needless to say, we won't ever  need a motorized roto-tiller so long as Penny's around. It always starts out innocently enough, then all hell breaks loose with dirt flying everywhere and a black dog face and tongue. She's always very pleased with her efforts [and so are we].