Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™


overdue website updates + incentives!

Just updated our site's retailers and press's been a while! 
So, if you read this post and you can't find a nearby store that sells our snax, good heavens let them know you need Ma Snax! 
Then drop us a line. 
If the store turns out to have the wisdom and excellent sense to stock our treats, we'll send you a free pack of snax. It's the least we can do. It's all about referrals, no?



Just a quickie to thank Organic Products Retailer magazine for listing our newest snax: Nuts About Grain Free-Super Peanut treats in the September issue.
These are quickly becoming a great selling snack, so many people want to keep grains out of their dogs diets.
Ours are chock full of fresh ground roasted Valencia peanuts, organic sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, organic flax seeds, hemp oil, cage-free eggs, and organic chick pea flour.
Nice and crunchy; aromatic and fresh. We bake them in bulk or in packaged.