Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™


Small Biz Saturday & beyond

Shop til you drop, it's Small Business Saturday. Keep it local. We think it's a tad odd that it's sponsored by American Express, but oh well; whatev. 
We say, shop local and handmade whenever possible, not just today.

Our Cyber Monday special is queued up and ready to go, so look for it! Sign up for our newsletter on our homepage.
Sled Dogs at work
Hint: it has to do with transporting & shipping packages, but don't worry, we gave these hard working dogs the day off.

Remember...we do custom labels for you holiday snax. If you're looking to wow your friends & family with a special treat, not made in China, not mass-produced and not one that'll end up being re-gifted, then do customize it with Ma Snax! It's easy and there's still plenty of time to get your very own holiday snax out to the whole list. 


We Like Holiday Cookies

One-page cookie selection: Holiday 2011

 cookie madness...
Take advantage of our Facebook promotion.
"Like" us and get your 5% off coupon code. Simple.
Just click on the "Save on Snax" tab. Voila.

happy snacking!


11/11/11 Sale

Today only, enjoy 11% off ALL bulk and packaged snax, frosted cookies and DIY mixes.

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Shopping with Ma Snax! [it'll be another 100 years before we see an 11/11/11/ day so don't delay]


November Treats

We couldn't decide which treat to feature for November's treat special, so we picked two...
Cranberry-Applesauce Spice Biscuits and Double Pumpkin Happiness

As always; wheat/corn/soy/preservative free.

Hand-Made with people quality mostly organic ingredients like organic pumpkin, natural applesauce, whole dried cranberries, organic rolled oats, molasses, raw honey, organic brown rice flour, organic oat & barley flours, organic cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg.

Happy snacking!

Enjoy a $5 discount coupon when you create your account online.

Cranberry-Applesauce Spice Biscuits

Double Pumpkin Happiness


Champagne all around!

Celebrate our grand re-opening and save on snax. Enter GRANDOPENING in discount coupon box and save 10% on your total order + receive A $5 discount coupon when you create you online account.


retail therapy

so close...we're nearly there. Just a few more i's to dot and t's to cross.

For our loyal snackers who are in need, Only Natural Pet Store in Boulder, CO sells quite a few of our biscuit flavors and they happen to be an excellent online retailer.

We'll be blasting out an email soon for our Grand Re-opening so please look for it and so sign up if you haven't already. Expect plenty of groovy discounts and specials!

fat pumpkin cookies


New: Early Autumn Cookie Update

Updated Fall cookie selection:

While we continue to create and polish our shiny new online store, please shop for your snax with any of our excellent online and brick-n-mortar retailers across the land.

We love the good folks at  

happy snacking!


snack time

OK Ma Snax fans & friends, we're nearly there. Just a dry run-thru and a couple of test orders and we should be good-to-go with our fab new store.

Look for new lower prices and new products and new features like group discounts...basically it's all new !
It's almost time to pop that bottle of bubbly!

Chicken, Sunflower & Calendula Biscuits
Stay tuned for our Grand Re-Opening email blast. Sign up is easy from our site. Do it now!



Getting close...

Webstore update; we're nearly there. We're uploading product info and getting the shipping/payment modules squared away this week. 
We have an August 1 goal...hope we meet it.
I'm really excited about the Zen Cart, there's loads of great features and I can't wait to use them all!

This week's obsession...bagel & donuts. I love these simple & classic cookies. [dogs love em too] Crunchy round love.
Seeded Bagel Cookies

Sprinkle Dipped Donut Cookies

Coconut Dipped Donut Cookie


We're live!

So the new site is up [yay]...still editing of course, but we're live and we think it looks really good. Please do let us know your thoughts/opinion.
Now it's store building time. We'll have it all up and running soon. the new ZenCart has loads of cool features, can't wait to start offering some to our loyal snackers and new fans.
The "Contact Us" email links are still being worked out, so if you need us, try: for now.



Getting closer to publishing the new site...
We've got the domain pointed to the blog, so instead of a lame "under construction" notice with bizarre ads, at lease you'll get us!

need snax? 
call us at: 707.293.9676
fax us at: 707.293.9679
email us at:

we're also tweeting: @pennysnax
+ we love making new friends on facebook [ link to FB on sidebar ]


web re-design update

We're diggin in and working on our new site and store...the new store especially will be so much better, easy to navigate and have great features.
Just to let online shoppers know, our current store is disabled, so if you want to place an order online, a simple email will do the trick. We're discounting shipping charges as well. It's the least we can do.
There are no service interruptions on our end, we're still baking biscuits like mad. Everything at is operable, only online shopping is turned off, but it won't be long now.
Contact us directly with anything you need and we'll make it happen!
Tel: 707.293.9676
Fax: 707.293.9679


New Cookies for May

New cookies = beautiful hand-decorated confections. 

Online offer for May: enter "PENNY8" and get free Birthday Snax, courtesy of Penny the birthday girl. 
Good 'til 5/31/11


March Treat: Green Apple with Reishi Mushroom, Thyme & Kelp

...It's March...time for a new treat of the month. This one's a personal favorite of mine and Penny's. It's a popular flavor for us and full of healthy goodness. [BTW: that's our girl on the cover]

So let's break it down...
Green Apples: we use organic dehydrated apples and if anyone needs reminding, apples are the original superfood.
Here's a few reasons why:
Apples have no fat, cholesterol or sodium, and contain small amounts of potassium, which may promote heart health, help maintain healthy blood pressure and a healthy weight.

 May be a major reason why the old saying about eating "an apple a day" has been associated with good health. Quercetin, primarily found in apples, onions, and black tea, belongs to a group of plant pigment flavonoids that serve as a building block for other members of the flavonoid family. It combats the destructive "free radical" molecules that play a part in many diseases.

Specifically, quercetin may help to:
• Reduce cancer risk
• Prevent heart attacks
• Ward off eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration
• Control asthma
• Maintain health when suffering from Crohn's disease
• Prevent recurrent gout attacks
• Speed up healing of recurrent heartburn, or gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD)

Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.

Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
Medicinal Mushrooms: We use reishi mushroom powder in our recipe.
Hailed in ancient Eastern medicine as the "mushroom of immortality" and the "medicine of kings," reishi offers some pretty astounding health benefits.

Pharmacological effects of whole Reishi extracts in vivo and in vitro

  • Anti-allergic activity
  • Bronchitis-preventative effect, inducing regeneration of bronchial epithelium
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial, against Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Bacillus pneumoniae (perhaps due to increased immune system activity)
  • Antioxidant, by eliminating hydroxyl free radicals
  • Antitumor activity
  • Antiviral effect, by inducing interferon production
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Enhances bone marrow nucleated cell proliferation
  • Cardiotonic action, lowering serum cholesterol levels with no effect on triglycerides, enhancing myocardial metabolism of hypoxic animals, and improving coronary artery hemodynamics
  • Central depressant and peripheral anticholinergic actions on the autonomic nervous sytem reduce the effects of caffeine and relax muscles
  • Enhanced natural killer cell (NK) activity in vitro in mice
  • Expectorant and antitussive properties demonstrated in mice studies


Kelp is in our recipe as well. we use a granulated Atlantic variety. What's beneficial about Sea Vegetables?
Kelp is high in iodine, potassium, calcium, and other minerals as well as vitamins, especially the B vitamins. The B vitamins among its many functions are well renowned for their ability to combat stress and increase energy levels.

Thyme is more than just an aromatic herb with culinary applications.
Historically Thyme has been used for various purposes throughout the centuries. In medieval times, thyme was regarded as a plant that imparted courage and vigor. The ancient Romans considered it a remedy for melancholy. Ancient Egyptians used it in embalming.

Therapeutically thyme contains an essential oil that is rich in thymol, a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and a strong antioxidant. The oil of thyme is used in mouthwashes to treat inflammations of the mouth, and throat infections. It is a common component of cough drops. 

Thyme contains the flavonoids apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and thymonin, which have antioxidant activity. Read more...


Add to this the amazing properties of raw honey, molasses and rolled oats and we're talking about one super cookie. 

The treat special for March. If you haven't tried this one, you really should. Our dogs love it and by all reports, so do scores of others. 
15% off all thru March.



We won the 2010 Pet Age Magazine/H.H. Backer Pinnacle Award
Such great news. The Pinnacle Awards are given for the most reader requests for certain categories of products.
We won for our Nuts About Grain-Free Super Peanut Snax. [they are awfully good, if I do say so myself].

Thanks readers, keep the requests coming, we love it!