Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™


Small Biz Saturday & beyond

Shop til you drop, it's Small Business Saturday. Keep it local. We think it's a tad odd that it's sponsored by American Express, but oh well; whatev. 
We say, shop local and handmade whenever possible, not just today.

Our Cyber Monday special is queued up and ready to go, so look for it! Sign up for our newsletter on our homepage.
Sled Dogs at work
Hint: it has to do with transporting & shipping packages, but don't worry, we gave these hard working dogs the day off.

Remember...we do custom labels for you holiday snax. If you're looking to wow your friends & family with a special treat, not made in China, not mass-produced and not one that'll end up being re-gifted, then do customize it with Ma Snax! It's easy and there's still plenty of time to get your very own holiday snax out to the whole list. 


We Like Holiday Cookies

One-page cookie selection: Holiday 2011

 cookie madness...
Take advantage of our Facebook promotion.
"Like" us and get your 5% off coupon code. Simple.
Just click on the "Save on Snax" tab. Voila.

happy snacking!


11/11/11 Sale

Today only, enjoy 11% off ALL bulk and packaged snax, frosted cookies and DIY mixes.

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Shopping with Ma Snax! [it'll be another 100 years before we see an 11/11/11/ day so don't delay]


November Treats

We couldn't decide which treat to feature for November's treat special, so we picked two...
Cranberry-Applesauce Spice Biscuits and Double Pumpkin Happiness

As always; wheat/corn/soy/preservative free.

Hand-Made with people quality mostly organic ingredients like organic pumpkin, natural applesauce, whole dried cranberries, organic rolled oats, molasses, raw honey, organic brown rice flour, organic oat & barley flours, organic cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg.

Happy snacking!

Enjoy a $5 discount coupon when you create your account online.

Cranberry-Applesauce Spice Biscuits

Double Pumpkin Happiness