Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™


World's Ugliest Dog?

There's really there's no such thing as an Ugly Dog, but you gotta name the contest something, so let's just agree that it's yet another way to celebrate the canine-human relationship and call it a day.

This year's champ! 4 year old Chihuahua "Princess Abby"

The chihuahua suffers from severe back and leg problems and has a closed up eye, most likely a result of inbreeding, CBS News reported.
"She's a poster child to spay and neuter your pets," celebrity vet Karen "Doc" Halligan said.

We were lucky enough to be a small part of this fun annual event held annually at the Sonoma-Marin Fair [we did a little demo in the groovy stage kitchen]. We demonstrated healthy snax by decorating a cake using our Peanut-Double Carob Chip Cake Mix. There ain't nothin' wrong with cake! Ours is super healthy & delicious using only organic people quality ingredients. We alike to bam it up by adding something seasonal like fresh grated zucchini, carrots, apples, pumpkin, banana, etc. Sweetened with raw honey...yum.
Dogs love it and so did our bi-ped audience!
Our friends from Sonoma Humane and Rohnert Park Animal Shelter were on hand with adoptable critters. I do hope they were able to find some loving forever-people for the most adorable dogs they had in tow. I heard that adopting out cats were the big issue these days; just too many of them!

Along with Princess Abby, there were plenty of uniquely beautiful contestants. Here's a few...


Ma Snax

Ma Snax

thanks Dog Milk for their most excellent post about us...and they're from NJ! couldn't be better.


Saturday Sizzler at Foppiano

Thanks to Ellen at Paws For Love and to Foppiano Vineyards for putting on a lovely event. It was a scorcher of a day, but the dogs were troopers and had a blast.

Everyone relaxed with fine wine and grilled sausages while the dogs created their unique works of art.
We set up our little booth at the end of a row among the vines.

We visited with friends like Laura Leah Johnson from Brinkley Books

The dogs munched on biscuits and cake [our Double Carob Chip-Peanut Cake Mix with applesauce & zucchini, garnished with coconut & carob chips]

the tasting room was air-conditioned, which was really nice

and all the dogs were happy.


Painting Paws & Petite Sirah

Join us tomorrow [Sat. 6/12] at Foppiano Vineyards in Healdsburg, Ca for this lovely and fun event with Paws For Love. Event hours 11am to 3pm

Dogs are free! Bring your human for a $20.00 donation (includes glass)
All proceeds benefit the Paws for Love Foundation.
Show your human how well you can paw paint,
and how fast you can run the barrel agility course! 
The "Vineyard Barrel Dash", a unique canine agility course, will take place at 3:00, and all dogs are welcome to participate.
Your human gets to taste wine and eat grilled sausages, 
there will be PAW PAINTING with your dog between 11 – 3, and FOPPIANO WINE TASTING throughout the day, with Paws for Love keepsake wineglasses. 

MaSnax will be on hand to provide tasty dog treats, and art and books for the dog lover will be available from 
Big Al's Art Gallery, The Painted Dog, and Laura Johnson.

Foppiano Vineyards is located at 12707 Old Redwood Highway in Healdsburg. For more information, contact Susan Valera by phone (707-433-7272)

We did this event last June and had a very nice time. What's not to like about hanging out in
Healdsburg for a few hours!

It 'll be a "tail waggin' "good time! 


Bay Area Dog magazine

Say hello to a new lifestyle publication serving Northern California's dogs and dog lovers.

Inside Bay Area Dog you will find product reviews, travel destinations, health and fitness advice, funny and heartwarming stories, and more, all having one thing in common: dogs.

Bay Area Dog will print two issues in 2010, and will be quarterly in 2011, expanding to six times per year in 2012. Bay Area Dog covers the entire Bay Area.

Here we are in the very first issue!
visit their site for subscriptions [I heard they may be giving some away for Free!]


photos from the SSPCA Doggy Dash

Saturday's event in Sacramento was really great, we were amazed at the high turnout and the SSPCA put on an excellent event.
A few shots from the day:

All of the shots are on our FB page profile.

Thanks to the SSPCA for a well-organized and promoted event.