Ma Snax Superior Dogs Treats™



Allergy season is back in a big way. Our eyes are itch & watery, we're sneezing non-stop and our throats are scratchy and feel tight.

For dogs allergies appear mostly in their skin condition.

Dogs with allergies may show the following symptoms:

  • Chewing on feet
  • Rubbing the face on the carpet
  • Scratching the body
  • Recurrent ear infections
  • Hair loss
  • Mutilated skin

Your vet can tell you much more and there are many resources you can search yourself, but we rely on one sure way to help us and our dogs immune system be strong and robust... HONEY.

We eat local honey and bee bollen like crazy, and we feed it to the dogs daily, year 'round. We use raw honey in our treats as well.

Our Green Apple with Reishi Mushroom & Thyme Biscuits are perfect for right now as medicinal reishi mushrooms are also stellar in immune system support, among other excellent beneficial properties.

While we're on the subject of apples, we'll be helping our our local pit bull advocates group SCRRAP [Sonoma County Residents Responsible About Pit Bulls] by donating treats to be tossed to the adoring crowd during the march in Sebatopol's Apple Blossom Parade on the weekend of April 21. Locals, please turn out!